Nature's Natives, Climate, Water, Oil Spill, Greenhouse Effect, Photosynthesis, Water Cycle, Nutrient Cycle, Nutrition, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Peace of Mind, Nature, Environment, Sun, ozone, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon, bacteria, iron, magnesium, calcium
Carbon is part of glucose.
Plants make glucose through photosynthesis.
Oxygen burns the food inside us.
Glucose changes into energy and carbon dioxide.
Cars that run on gasoline put carbon dioxide into the air.
1. We Breathe Out Carbon Dioxide
Millions of years ago, plants, that grew because of photosynthesis, died.
Eventually, the carbon became part of oil, coal and natural gas. These are fossil fuels.
Now we drill into Earth’s crust to get the oil, coal and natural gas. Sometimes these fossil fuels are under the land. Sometimes they are under water.
Carbon is underground in pockets of coal, oil and gas. These are called fossil fuels.
Carbon is in the air as
carbon dioxide.
Carbon is in glucose and travels in the food chain.
We use the energy and breathe out the carbon dioxide. 

Carbon dioxide is released into the air.
The plants took their carbon with them and the dead plants composted back into the soil.
Over time the carbon became buried deeper and deeper.
Once the fossil fuels are retrieved they are turned into products. Oil becomes gasoline which serves as fuel for our cars.
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Carbon is in living things, in the air and underground.
There are 6 carbon atoms in 1 glucose molecule.
Carbon dioxide is made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
Nature's Natives® is a simplified representation of how nature works.
It is About Air, Food, Water and Climate...for Today and Tomorrow